Tuesday, October 04, 2005

What's Brewing?

Welcome to my new website called, "What's Brewing." This may get off to a slow start because it has been a few years since we have done brewing, but I will surely have lots to say once things get up and running. First of all, Ed and I have been brewing beer together since we first met back in Iowa in the early 1990s. It started with extract and some grains, but eventually we switched to all grain. We were members of the homebrew club called THIRSTY in Iowa City, and met a lot of good brewers in those days. In fact, our wedding was a "pot luck" event at a local state forest, and most of our guests were members of the homebrew club.
Also, back in the 1990s, we became beer judges, as part of the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) affiliated with the American Homebrewer's Association (AHA).
We moved a few times since Iowa, including a few years in Florida, where we were pretty active with the homebrew club down there, and then to Michigan, where we mostly did brewing on our own. Well now we have moved "out east," have unpacked our equipment, upgraded a few things, and figured out how to set up the brewery--for the most part.
Soon we will be brewing again, soI thought it would be fun to report on our progress through this website. As with my wildflower website called WOODLAND SPRING, I plan to combine photographs and "story telling" to explain such things as the process of making beer, and descriptions of the various styles of beer. As with WOODLAND SPRING, I will avoid technical jargon, for the most part. I want this website to be informative, but also fun.
So stay tuned for the next update... I may post some old pictures one of these days, and it will not be long before I start posting some current pictures too!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like nice a cold beer on a hot day. My favorite brew is "Rickards Red." I'll cehck in from time-to-time on your brew site.

6:31 AM  
Blogger Carol said...

Candadian dude,
Thanks for stopping by. I will update this website less frequently than WOODLAND SPRING, but I hope it will be a good way for our "homebrewing friends" to see what we have been up to. I love beer on a hot day, cold day, and days in between, but I am rather picky about the brand and style. More later when I have time.

6:52 AM  

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